Confidentiality and Privacy

鼓励个人为他们的情感和身体需求寻求支持. 您有权选择以保密或非保密的方式进行报告. 


esball国际平台客户端所有学生的健康和安全至关重要.  esball国际平台客户端认识到,那些一直在喝酒和/或使用毒品的学生(无论这种使用是自愿的还是非自愿的)在暴力事件发生时, including but not limited to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, 或者发生性侵犯时可能会因为害怕对自己的行为产生潜在的后果而不愿报告此类事件.  esball国际平台客户端强烈鼓励学生举报家庭暴力, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault to institution officials.  善意揭发家庭暴力事件的旁观者, dating violence, 对esball国际平台客户端官员或执法部门的跟踪或性侵犯将不受esball国际平台客户端官员或执法部门的约束,因为在发生家庭暴力时或临近发生的违反酒精和/或药物使用政策的行为将不受esball国际平台客户端行为准则的约束, dating violence, stalking or sexual assault.




They can offer:

  • counseling
  • healthcare
  • 与其他支持服务的协调有助于了解如何报告骚扰和不当性行为

Counseling Services- 315-268-2327
Student Health Services- 315-268-6633


下班后,可以通过校园安全部门联系大学辅导员 & Security or Resident Assistants after hours. Request a confidential counselor.  You do not have to explain why.

Canton Potsdam Hospital; 315-265-3300
Renewal House 315-379-9845

与保密资源的接触不会导致向大学提交调查报告, discipline, or any other remedial action.


Student Health Services 315-268-6633
Canton Potsdam Hospital; 315-265-3300

向机密资源的报告不是向大学的报告,不会导致补救措施、调查或纪律处分. 任何希望采取补救措施(如改变住房)的人, 学术或工作任务)或希望对答辩人采取纪律处分,必须向负责管理人员之一报告, listed above.

Campus Safety 315-268-6666

Responsible Administrators

reports of sexual misconduct and harassment.

•Title IX协调员- Jennifer Ball, 315-268-4208, 315-212-8940c

• The Dean of Students- 315-268-6620

•人力资源- amy McGaheran, Title IX副协调员,315-268-3788

•Carol LaMarche,体育部门第九章副协调员,315/268-4448


•Potsdam Police

The police department number is 315 265-2121 or 911[emergency],
and they can assist in filing a criminal complaint.

Any person may call 911 for assistance. 如果你或其他人需要帮助,请立即拨打求助电话. Campus

NYS Police 24-hour hotline at 1-844-845-7269

enforcement and pursue criminal charges. The criminal process and the University’s
promptly. 例如,在强奸或其他形式的性侵犯案件中,这很重要
不要洗澡,不要换衣服,甚至不要梳头,因为物证可能会丢失. In cases of violence or physical abuse, it is important to document injuries, including by taking photographs.

The police department can assist in filing a criminal complaint. Additionally, orders of protection and
受到esball国际平台客户端社区成员或其他人的暴力威胁. In
order of protection.

A report to a Responsible Administrator often does, but need not necessarily, lead to an investigation or disciplinary action. 决定采取什么行动取决于许多因素, including the complainant’s wishes, particularly in cases of sexual misconduct. 投诉人可以向负责的行政人员报告,并要求大学不进行调查或纪律处分. esball国际平台客户端在是否采取回应行动方面努力遵守投诉人的意愿. However, that is not always possible.

如投诉人要求不对被告采取行动(i.e., no investigation or disciplinary action), 负责管理人员将与第九条协调员和其他适当的管理人员(i.e., Dean of Students (students), or Human Resources. 大学是否采取回应行动的决定将取决于犯罪行为的严重程度, whether there was a single accused or multiple, 是否有理由相信被告以前从事过这种或类似的行为, 这些情况是否会对校园社区或投诉人造成持续或未来的风险, and similar considerations. A decision will be made and shared with the complainant.

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No person shall be discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex (gender), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, veteran status, predisposing genetic characteristics, domestic violence, victim status, marital status, personal status, ancestry, source of income, or other classes protected by law.

-Clarkson University’s Non-Discrimination Policy

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