Master of Arts in 课程 and Instruction

Master of Arts in 课程 and Instruction

Make a Positive Impact on the Next Generation

Teaching is one of society's most critical and in-demand professions. 事实上, 我们目前面临着迫在眉睫的教师短缺问题,预计这将对城市和农村学区产生重大影响, as well as foreign language and STEM instruction. 此外,学生需要能够设计适合不同类型学习者的课程的教育工作者.

教育研究的重大进展强调了如何让孩子更好地为未来做好准备. We need teachers who can incorporate these methods with effectiveness, compassion and a deep understanding of every child's potential.


  • Are preparing for doctoral work in education.
  • 作为本科工作的一部分,已经达到了纽约州教师认证的要求,并且需要一个硕士学位来满足专业认证的要求.
  • esball国际平台客户端教育的学生是否参加了纽约州教师资格认证课程,并决定不从事课堂教学.
  • 计划从事社区大学或独立学校教学,并希望更多地了解教育和教育研究领域.

Why Earn an MA in 课程 and Instruction From esball国际平台客户端?

esball国际平台客户端设计的艺术硕士课程和教学与工作教师的思想. You can complete this flexible program onsite, 完全在线或通过在线和现场课程的混合组合. Most students complete all requirements in two to three years.

Create a program of study that is unique to your career goals. 在我们优秀的教师的帮助下,选择你需要的课程来获得你想要的技能. In addition to their pedagogical expertise, all of our faculty members have a P-12 teaching background. 这意味着他们充分了解该专业的回报和挑战,并为esball国际app营造一个支持性的学习环境.

课程与教学硕士也有很强的研究成分, 使其成为那些希望加深对专业理解的人的理想学位. 我们严格培训的结果是显而易见的:自2016年以来,我们教育项目的毕业生就业率达到100%.


The program requires 30 credit hours, 其中9个用于基础课程,12个用于研究. The remaining credit hours are determined by your own interests, teaching subject and career objectives.

The foundation courses are:

  • Effective Teaching for All Learners
  • Literacy Across the Disciplines or TESOL Literacy
  • 现代教师


Required Foundation Courses

Complete for a total of nine credit hours:

  • ED550 Effective Teaching for All Learners
  • ED560现代教师
  • ED544 Literacy Across the Disciplines OR
  • TESOL能力

Elective Courses Sample Options

Select three for a total of nine credit hours:

  • ED511 课程 and Methods of Teaching English
  • ED512 课程 and Methods of Teaching Mathematics
  • ED513 课程 and Methods of Teaching Foreign Language
  • ED514 课程 and Methods of Teaching Science
  • ED515 课程 and Methods of Teaching 历史/Social Studies
  • ED516 课程 and Methods of Teaching Technology
  • ED517 课程 and Methods of Teaching Business
  • ED518 课程 and Methods of Teaching Computer Science
  • ED570 Middle School Students, Structures and Standards
  • ED571 Middle Adolescence Literacy
  • ED572 Teaching Foreign Language to Elementary School Children
  • ED624校法
  • ED988 Independent Study
  • TE513 课程 and Methods of Teaching Language


Complete a required research course, 一项行动研究项目和两门必修论文课程,共12学分.


MAT行动研究项目(三个学分)是一个为期一学期的研究项目,它允许您有足够的时间和监督来发展知识的广度和/或深度,从而成为您所在认证领域更好的教师. Design a project to meet your specific professional needs. MAT项目有良好的研究和理论基础,但也包括一个强大而广泛的应用方面, 直接回答这个问题:“这在教室里会是什么样子??"

In Master's Thesis I and II (three credit hours each), 当你准备从这个项目毕业时,完成一个你感兴趣的话题的系统探索.

我们的教育教师是各自领域的专家,具有实践经验和理论知识的结合. They serve as mentors throughout the program, helping you shape your studies for the next step in your career. Learn more about their areas of expertise.


A completed application consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form.
  • 的简历.
  • 目的陈述书.
  • Three letters of recommendation.
  • Official transcripts.
  • 教师面试.
  • For international applicants, an English proficiency test is required.
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5)、雅思(6).5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
    • 英语语言测试要求不会因教学语言而被免除, nor do we accept university certificates. 如果申请人在英语为母语的国家获得学位,则免除英语测试. 点击这里 to see the list of these countries.


  • 总绩点3.0或更高.
  • Undergraduate liberal arts core, including courses in the humanities/arts, writing/communication, social sciences and math.

esball国际平台客户端向有前途的esball国际app提供一系列基于成绩的奖学金和特定教育补助金. 我们鼓励您尽早申请,因为这些奖项通常是先到先得的.

Scholarships and Grants

My professors were exceptionally understanding and knowledgeable. The material was well-planned, and when I had difficulty understanding a certain concept, the instructors were patient with me. 他们帮助我过渡到一个结构化的学术氛围,同时为我的职业生涯的下一章做准备. 我是一名自豪的校友!

Christiana Oyawale '22 巴里大学课程与教学文学硕士,排球助理教练


课程与教学硕士课程为考生在教育领域的进一步发展做好准备. 对于已经在纽约州获得教学资格认证的个人以及正在寻求硕士学位以满足专业认证要求的个人来说,这个学位也是正确的选择. 某些教学工作也要求员工拥有硕士学位.

Students graduate ready to:

  • Improve day-to-day instruction in their classroom or school.
  • Teach at the community college level.
  • 应用 to a doctoral-level program.
  • Pursue teaching careers in independent schools.
  • Influence school- or district-wide curricula through research.
  • Enter the field of education research and thought leadership.


Graduates of this new degree program have found employment through:

  • 巴里大学
  • Dwight-Englewood School

Advanced Certificate Program in 课程 and Instruction

在进入硕士课程之前,请考虑从我们的课程和教学高级证书开始您的旅程. To complete the program, you must take two of the three foundation courses, two electives and one research course. 如果你正在寻找一个增强的证书或正在探索进一步发展你的职业生涯的方法,这是一个很好的选择. 该证书的学分可用于满足硕士课程的要求.


电话: 518-631-9831

对课程与教学硕士有兴趣? Contact the Office of esball国际app招生 today with your questions.


通过自己的研究和独立学习,帮助对下一代产生积极的影响. 如果你看到自己通过esball国际平台客户端的课程与教学硕士项目有所作为, 迈出下一步.